Dental Procedures | Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal disease is the major cause of tooth loss in adults. It is an

Progression of Periodontal Disease

inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of tooth-supporting bone. The gum inflammation is caused mainly by the accumulation of bacterial plaque below the gumline. 

Bacterial plaque is a soft, sticky, toxic mass which attaches to teeth along and underneath the gumline. If the plaque is not removed by regular brushing and flossing, it hardens and becomes tartar. As the tartar develops, it forms a cohesive bond with the root surface of the tooth. Tartar can only be removed by the dentist or hygienist through Scaling and Root Planing.

Unremoved bacterial irritants and toxins cause the gums to become inflamed and tender. The tooth-supporting bone responds to this inflammation by simply "melting away". Left untreated, the resulting bone loss will leave behind pockets of gum around the affected teeth. These pockets will harbor still more plaque and tartar in an area that is inaccessible to the patient. The progress of the disease will usually accelerate. Periodontal disease is often painless in it's early and moderate stages.

Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

Scaling & Root Planing refers to the meticulous polishing of the root surface and cleaning of the surrounding tissues, establishing an environment necessary for healing. In many instances, SRP is the only procedure necessary. However, in more advanced cases additional treatments may be necessary to eliminate periodontal pockets. For your comfort, a local anesthetic is used during the procedure.

If you have any questions about how Scaling & Root Planing can help you preserve your beautiful smile, please ask Dr. Staley or  the hygienist.